Marcy admitted on radio last year, Stardust show, that she doesn't bet the plays she sells.
Anything more need to be said?
She actually tried to sue me one time becuz I did a Nat Enq type column on her that said:
Scientists discover that handicapping skill is hereditary!
Not only are there two # 1 cappers in the world, there are two in the same house! marcy and his daughter the cincy dik (judging by his picture on his yearbook I didn't think the guy was into the sort of activity that leads to procreation.)"
The column went on to tell the tale of a kid who got divorced becuz he tapped the family savings to play marcys guaranteed winners, and went broke; it also detailed his multi-package scam.
A "lawyer rep'ing the lawrence ladies" called the magazine editor and threatened to sue; the mag called their bluff and said "yeah, sure you're their lawyer; go ahead and sue, we have the facts to back up what we printed about your business."
Next we heard from them was a thank you letter 2-3 days later, thanking us for all the free publicity, the letter detailing how much their business had grown since we published about them. The 2 bozos actually thought reverse psychology might work. What a couple a-holes.
My biggest disapppointment last season was getting KO'd in the Stardust with my one loser and one tie, and not getting the opportunity to beat the crap out of marcy later on.